" Some subjects managed to escape by breaking the bars of their cage!"." Against all odds, this solution created mutations in the infected crows instead of curing them.".This room is likely the explanation behind the existence of Slammers.

There is a desk with a grimoire of the Alchemist. Seismic Strike, A Thousand and One Nights OutfitĪ room filled with empty crow cages hanging from the ceiling and a broken vat with a tap and a half filled filled flask standing beneath it. The table below lists which enemies are present in the Astrolab and which blueprints each may drop. In addition to them, the Astrolab is also home to Failed Experiments, Slammers and Bombers. The Astrolab is home to three unique enemies: Magistrates of Death, Defenders, and Librarians. The blueprints for Thunder Shield can be looted from Defenders.The blueprints for Hemorrhage can be looted from Magistrates of Death.Upon defeating them, they each drop a Guardian's Key, which are needed to open the doors to the Observatory. An Elite Failed Experiment and an Elite Slammer drop the Elevator Key and the Allen Key respectively, which can be used to reach a room where two Elite Slammers are waiting.
In order to reach the exit, the player needs to collect a series of keys by beating Elite enemies. The Astrolab can only be accessed from the Throne Room when playing with 5 BSC active.

1.2.2 Enemy tier and gear level scaling.